Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Career Assessment Tools

As you continue to WORK and try to bridge the gap between "what you love to do" and "what you are doing now", you might want to asess your personality and align it with your career interests.

Online Career Assessment Review for Job-Seekers: Quintessential Careers provides reviews of the major online career assessment tools for job-seekers:

"If you are looking for some career direction, or perhaps just want to learn
more about yourself and your personality, then taking one or more of these
assessment tests can give you a better idea of your attitudes and interests as
they relate to discovering more about yourself -- and possible career choices."

Some of the FREE tools are:

Ansir's 3 Sides of You Self Perception Profiling System : This 168-question three-part self-perception test that provides you with insight into your styles of thinking, working, and emoting.
Big Five Personality Test : Formerly called All About You, this 52-question test measures personality aspects that can be applied to careers.

Career Competency Explorer from : This 151-question assessment looks at strengths to see how they relate to day-to-day work performance.

Career Focus 2000 Interest Inventory : This assessment's 180 inventory items about work tasks, drawn from 18 occupational fields that make up the U.S. work scene, help you identify possible career goals that match your strongest personal interests.

Career Interest Inventory from (Tickle) : This test has you choose what you'd rather do among three choices for 44 questions.

Career Interest Inventory from : This 180-question assessment is a measure of occupational and career interests.

Careerlink Inventory : A 36-question assessment based on the premise that your self-estimates are a valid basis for career decision-making.

Career Personality Test from : This 38-question assessment gives results in terms of Myers-Briggs types.

Career Values Scale from : This 88-question assessment looks at values to see how they relate to the test-taker's world of work and help to identify areas of career satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Career Zone : An extremely bare-bones, 3-question assessment.

Carolyn Kalil's Personality Assessment (True Colors) : True Colors is a personality system that has been around since 1979 and is modeled as a graphical presentation of both Keirsey's Temperament and the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator. The assessment asks you to choose one of two ways to finish 36 statements. The results can help you define your skills and talents -- and possibly direct you to various career paths.

CoachCompass® Assessment : Defines an appropriate starting point for career services and coaching delivery.

Future Proof Your Career : This 84-question assessment helps the test-taker find fulfilling work and creates a personalized career strategy that works with the latest employment trends of the knowledge age.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter : This 70-question assessment is related to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

....many more....

Good Luck!

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