Monday, December 24, 2007

The Art of Genuine Selling

A large number of salesmen - from novices to "pros" - know that they have to bring in an element of "manipulation" to "persuade" a customer to buy a product or service.

If you come in this category then your relationship with the "selling process" could be transformed when you realize that Selling is a Service; and selling something of "real value" is actually a "Spiritual Service".

As Judith Sherven and Jim Sniechowski say:

If you have a solution to someone’s problem, and you truly believe your solution is of real value— have an obligation to make what you do available to as many people as suits your need and desire.

We humans are emotionally, energetically, and spiritually connected—one-to-all.

So rather than seeing “selling” as something manipulative, something that diminishes the connection between people, selling is truly a profound connector of people—serving and supporting the well-being of both sides of the transaction.

The true depth of what it means to sell — that genuine selling is truly a spiritual service.

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